Welcome To Hamza Erum Marketing

A Direct Selling Company Dealing In Products

At Hamza Erum Marketing Pvt Ltd, we are dedicated to helping local businesses thrive in a competitive landscape. Our goal is to empower small businesses by providing them with innovative tools and strategies that will lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Our unique rewards program is designed to engage customers like never before. By offering exclusive rewards for every Rupee spent, we incentivize customers to choose your business over others. This creates a win-win situation where customers are rewarded for their loyalty and you see a boost in sales.

Vision & Mission


At Hamza Erum Marketing Pvt Ltd, we envision a future where businesses and customers are seamlessly connected through meaningful relationships that extend beyond transactions. Our commitment is to be the catalyst for lasting connections, redefining the landscape of customer engagement through our innovative rewards system.


Our mission transcends mere transactions. At Hamza Erum Marketing Pvt Ltd, we're forging lasting relationships between local businesses and their clientele through an impeccable rewards system. Our unique program nurtures a loyalty that incentivizes customers with every purchase at our network of partnered stores.